Well, Mr. Don Garber has allowed Mr. Pants to practice with the red bull team during the regular season. I don't know what this means, but we all can agree that Danny "spiderman" Cepero will be the starting Goalkeeper opening day and Possibly for the rest of the season. With Alec Dufty playing a half in the last game in Argentina, is this a possible sign that Red Bull want to Trade Conway? Well now its much more easy to trade him now that he will practice with the team that he will be with. With Red Bull Haveing 3 goalkeepers in camp, one has to go, and and Conway is making 90K over the Starting goalkeeper, I wouldnt say that a fair game for Cepero, I think Sir.Osorio and Agoos are looking at the trade options. If a trade goes down it will help Red Bull a lot and will be able to sign Dufty to a small contract and Red Bull will be able to bring a good player to help out on the field.
What do you guys think of this? Great for the team? great for conway? or who cares?
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