14. Club Quake (San Jose Earthquakes).... well they have been out for a while so i cant rate them higher then any one but im sure they will be better then the bottom pool. Can wait to see the San Jose Earthquake supporters out there agin in 2008

12./13. Crew Supporters Union (Columbus Crew).... it seems like they dont even have people going to the games any more, im sad to say this but the Sons of Ben are better then you guys and they dont even have a team, its just sad you guys should step up your game

12./13. Inferno (FC Dallas).... well its just bad in dallas and at least the FO has stepped in to make some progress in the supporters section maybe in 2 years well see a good supporters club in dallas

11. Midnight Riders (New England Revolution).... well im sorry guys but standing up and saying REV-O-LU-TION clap clap clap clap clap.... but i will give you guys points for being a huge group and that gives you a good amout of points but you guys gotta step it up, theses to may of you guys to just stand and sing one song all game

10. The Front Range (Colorado Rapids).... well what can I say they are better then the rest on the bottom of the list.... they are a group of supporters that have the supporters taste but they have to show more emotion and i think they have it and they will , lets see this season

9. Rogue Cavaliers Brigade (Real Salt Lake).... what can i say these guys are funny they know how to make jokes and they know how to do it well, maybe when the new stadium opens up the group will get bigger and wait to see them

8. The Cauldron (Kansas City Wizards).... These guys maybe small but there load and fun to hear, they have lots of potential to be awsome, they just have to get bigger and if they do, they will be moving up this ladder soon

7. Chivas supporters (Chivas USA).... the supporters do it there spanish way in its fun to look and i love it, its great to hear them hopefully they will re-gear and willbe ready to party in 2008
6. La Roit Squad (LA Galaxy).... the squad just by a little string beat out the chivas supporters in my my mind they are very even but, they guys at the squad know to have more fun so in my mind they get the number 6 spot in my mind

5. Texan Army ( Houston Dynamo).... at cup finals they keep on bringing that orange fog machine and it looks great i love it, orange smoke coming out, who would ever see that but i guess the guys in houston are smart, they know how to make orange smoke, but still these guys are great to watch, the sound is good and the atmospher is also, i think theyll step it up soon, and theyll be a power house supporters club in a few years

4. Red Patch Boys (Toronto FC).... as a stadium toronto fc would be number one as a fan whole but im doing this by supporters groups by team. The red patch boys did a great job in toronto kudos to them, love listening to the stadium it reminds me when i go to poland, its a awsome soccer atmosphere. If the boys keep it up they will surely end up top one day as the best supporters group but still thier rookies and MLS and they have to work on it a little bit to reach 1-2-3, so great job guys and keep it up....

3. La Norte (DC United).... these guys have been steady for years and they show up every time, the dc supporters secction looks huge and its fun to look at and stand by, they are true veterans and know how to support there team, but this year like the patriots you cant be best forever and they arent anymore thats why there my number three, the size looks the same at RFK but i dont see the loadness like before in the past, maybe this ear theyll pick it up lets see it always fun to watch them

2. Section 8 (Chicago Fire).... it was a close race between 2 and 3 but one thing that i spoted out was the play off game in chicago vs dc.... the flares the drums and loudness made it look like a real soccer atmosphere and thats what a soccer game should look like, great work all year in section 8 cant wait to see you guys on tv again

1. Empire Supporters Club (Red Bull New York).... well if it was a if it was more then one group by team, the toronto would of had it. But i picked one from each team, and ESC showed why they are number one at the draft, not only did they light up the show, but they made John *kearny scots club* Harks and Rob *stonner* stone look like fools. At giants stadium you could hear these guys any where and thier songs are priceless like no other,and the security is no help either they dont let them do anything but they are so bad ass that they will do ass much as they can to support there team at the stadium, so for me it was a no brainer to put ESC at number 1.
Hey, just an FYI the Rapids only supporters group is called the Centennial Firm.
Just an FYI the Rapids have two groups, Centennial Firm and Class VI.
The "Front Range" is a name the Rapids FO gave to an area they want to make a supporters club, but nobody uses it.
How could you possibly put ESC first? I mean, come on, I'm a Red Bull fan, but ESC numbers are so few and they don't change games.
Also, how could you put La Norte over Barra Brava or the Screaming Eagles. Either of those two supporters groups create a much more compelling atmosphere and outnumber La Norte. Even if you go on YouTube, you can easily see that La Norte's section produces very little compared to the others.
And, finally, I like this blog. I am working on a piece about supporter's groups and love the topic.
Wow, a NYRB Blog puts the NY Supporters Club first! How original and unbiased. Homer.
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